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With HALT/HASS testing you can:
Shorten the development time
Reduce development costs
Improve reliability
Discover quality variations in production
At HALT / HASS, incremental temperature and vibrational loads are used at levels outside the product specification in order to produce failures in a short time and thereby quickly finding material-, design-, and process related weaknesses and defects.
The purpose of HALT / HASS is therefore radically different from traditional reliability testing and should be seen as a complement and not a substitute for traditional testing.
HALT is carried out early during product development. Upon completion of HALT testing, it has become known at which load levels malfunctions and permanent failures occur. By correcting detected deficiencies and defects, margins are increased and a more robust product is obtained.
HASS is performed during the production phase. The goal is to discover weaknesses that arise when switching to volume production as well as quality variations. The HASS test is designed based on the results of a previously conducted HALT test. The goal is to accelerate defects to failure in the shortest possible time without damaging a defect free product
Max loads are:
- Cold: -100 ° C
- Hot: +200 ° C
- Temperature change rate: 60 ° C / min for the test object
- Vibration: 50 g RMS.
Temperature cycling and vibration are also performed in combination.
HALT testing requires functional testing during the course of the test to detect when errors occur. It also requires fixture development to be able to fix the product at the vibration table
Price for testing is charged per 8 hour working day. If testing time exceeding 8 hours per day is required, an additional cost per hour is charged. The price includes equipment costs and labor costs for an operator.
If a report is desired, the results of the testing are compiled in a report in English that is delivered digitally. The report includes a description of the tests and load levels used in the testing and a summary of when errors occurred during the testing. The cost of producing a report is added.