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In vitro-permeability

RISE offers an in vitro method to study the uptake of substances that are to be oraly administred.


We offer two different modells to study uptake in the small intestine:

- Caco2 is the classical in viitro method used to study uptake in small intestine. The modell uses cancer cells originating in the colon. These cells will spontaneously differentiate to someting similar to the small intestine. The membrane integrity are still similar to that of the colon.

- EpiIntestinal is a mor modern method using human primary cells originating from the small intestin. This modell correlate better with human clinical data than Caco2.

We will help you choose the modell fit for your experiments. Study design can be adjusted to fit your whishes regarding concentrations, controlls and exposure time. 

Evaluating substances in vitro befor moving into in vivo will save both research animals and money by eliminate unfit candidates at an earlier time in the development. Testing on EpiIntestinal might also help translate your data to expected uptake in human since the animals usually tested for uptake befor human is rodents. EpiIntestinal correlates better with the human clinical data than the rodents in some aspects.


When ordered, the coosen model system are put into cultivation for that specific customer project making it important to have all aspects of the study design in place before cultivation starts. When the models are ready, 4 weeks later, they are usually exposed with the test substances for two hours. Samples are then taken from  the original solution, lumen and blod side if the models and presented to the customers as Papp values. 

If the substance arent to be found in the lumen or blood side of the modell we will suggest adding on a analysis of the membrane to see if it is associated to the cells or the membrane or if it has been metabolized. 

To ensure that the membrane integrity is high, permeability is tested on each replicate with lucifer yellow as a marker or with TEER. This information will be included in the report together with the permeability of the substances (Papp values).


The customer will get a report including permeability (Papp) for the specific substances and quality controll of the membranes. 


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In vitro-permeability in the small intestine evaluated by Caco2 or EpiIntestinal


Price on tender

Delivery time

1,5 month after accepted tender. Since cultivation of the modelsystems takes 4 weeks we recommend you to discuss study design with one of the contact persons before putting an order ensuring that the right amount of replicatates are used. Exposure time also affects delivery time. Weekends or national holidays will affect the delivery time. 


Information regarding test subtstance need to be discussed before start of cultivation of the model systems. The test substances need to arrive one week before test start.

Lovisa Bodin

Contact person

Lovisa Bodin


+46 10 516 54 91

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