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Moisture content analysis of metal powders

Metal powders intended for powder-bed based additive manufacturing (AM) have properties critical for ensuring robust processes with high product quality. The water content/moisture of the powders is one of these properties. RISE offers analysis of the water content in metal powder with great accuracy using Karl Fischer Titration.


Typical storage conditions of metal powders always cause water to adsorb onto the surface of powder grains. In common additive manufacturing processes (e.g. PBF-LB) water affects the flowability of the powder and changes the porosity of the end product. The mass of water in relation to the mass of powder is often very small which requires high-precision analytical equipment to be detected accurately. The Karl Fischer titration device at RISE has a lower limit of detection of a few ppm and can also investigate the temperature dependence of the water adsorption.


Water content analysis is performed with a Karl Fischer 740 sample processor and 831 coulometer by Metrohm.


As requested by the customer. Usually, the results are presented in the form of a technical report and/or as an oral presentation together with Power Point slides.


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Moisture content analysis of metal powders

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Price on tender

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Contact person

Alexi Makdesy


+46 10 228 48 51

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