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Molecular biological analyses at genetic level

Using molecular biological analysis methods, we can investigate how different molecules and systems within the cell interact and how these processes are regulated. We can examine differences within the cell system at genome and protein level as well as verify the authenticity of a sample.


  • Gene expression - investigate how certain processes in the body are activated or de-activated. Can be used to e.g. see how a drug affects the receptors in the body or whether it activates a certain signaling pathway. In addition, analyse implants and their surfaces to see how they bind, if they activate apoptosis or induce cancer.
  • Diagnostics – can be used in the cancer field where you alternate medicine depending on whether you have a certain gene or not. In addition, it is used to examine the risk, for example, breast cancer, prostate cancer.
  • Infectious Diseases - to investigate gene changes and detect new strains and altered diseases eg. influenza.
  • Virus analysis - analyze different strains of viruses and investigate optimal way to treat it, e. g. norovirus or hepatitis B virus in aquatic plants or food. 
  • Species determination and quantification - of e.g. gastrointestinal flora, bacteria in food, water, hospitals such as listeria, e-coli variants, legionella.
  • Forensic science - analysis of genetic material found at a crime scene or security marking e. g. “smartDNA”
  • Agriculture - investigates that the animals/crops are not infected by viruses, fungi or mold. In addition, investigate if a crop is GMO.

One can examine how a product is affecting the biological function by looking at how different molecules and systems within the cell interact.


Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is a method that copies DNA using primers (short DNA fragments). Primers are adapted to the gene/DNA of interest. Primers are complementary to the DNA and are bound by a polymerase. The polymerase is copying the DNA to millions of copies that is trackable and quantifiable using a fluorophore.

At times when the expression of a particular gene is of interest, RNA converted to DNA is analysed.


Report with (depending on the methods chosen):

- RNA/DNA concentration and quality
- Revers transcription and amplification program
- Cq values
- Amplifications curves
- Genex analis on demand


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Molecular biological analyses at genetic level


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Jenny Johansson

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Jenny Johansson


+46 10 516 53 60

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Jennifer Rosendahl

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Jennifer Rosendahl


+46 10 516 57 93

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