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Print sharpness software

Print sharpness is a factor of immediate importance in inkjet printing due to the inherent risk of lateral spread of the low viscosity inks used.
High print sharpness is a basic characteristic of high print quality.
You can now make the measurements in your own lab using this software!


The software can be used for:

  • Measure if the print sharpness (a combination of raggedness and blurriness) is acceptable and stable over time
  • Monitor how new settings in the productions affect the print sharpness
  • Check if new products are better or not
  • Benchmark to competitors


Quantify the print sharpness using high resolution images from a scanner or microscope.
The measurements are not restricted to a certain print form, instead any printed line or edge can be used for the analysis, for example part of a letter.

The software will calculate two different values:

  • The raggedness which is the length of the contour of an edge compared to the perfect straight contour (left image)
  • The blurriness meaning the width of the transition zone between ink and unprinted area (right image)

A high-quality flatbed scanner is used to collect the images in 4800 dpi resolution. This corresponds to pixel size 5.3x5.3 µm, needed to reveal the fine scale print defects.
Note: A scanner specified for 4800 dpi optical resolution is not always giving acceptable results.
Image analysis is used to calculate the raggedness and the blurriness on the measured lines and shapes.


User license of the software package Print Sharpness.

Manuals describing installation, scanning and evaluation (in English).


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Print sharpness software – calculates a combination of raggedness and blurriness


Price on tender

Delivery time

Delivery of the software within 6 weeks after order


The customer needs to buy a standard PC equipped with Win 7 or Win 10 and a suitable flatbed scanner, RISE will upon request recommend a scanner model.

Microsoft Excel is recommended to use to open the result files but also other spread sheet software with ability to open tab separated ASCII-files works.

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Hans Christiansson

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