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Repair and remanufacturing are considered to be some of the most profitable circular strategies, according to the recent Circular Economy Outlook report for Sweden. However, remanufacturing is also noted as one of the least common strategies.


Studies show that in many sectors in Europe, its intensity is remarkably low, for example just over 1% in vehicles. With increased competition of limited resources such as critical materials required to produce a large part of upcoming technologies (e.g. digitalization, electrification), the use of primary materials will need to decrease and the activities of reuse, repair, refurbishment and remanufacturing are expected to become even more profitable (and necessary). 

Systematic work on remanufacturing can contribute to more resilient value chains and is in line with upcoming EU legislation that aims to make sustainable products the norm.

Our offer

Our remanufacturing service offers tailored support to companies to identify their remanufacturing potential.

With the support of research-based tools and experienced experts, the company's business logic, selection of suitable products or components, and process for remanufacturing are identified. A plan is drawn up to test and develop the remanufacturing process step by step.

If necessary, RISE can assist with expertise linked to specific technology areas or in-depth sustainability analysis.


We offer, a customized and concrete business support, in workshop format, where the following parts can be included:

  1. Introduction and current situation analysis remanufacturing linked to your organization and the world around you
  2. Identification of possible products, processes and flows for a future remanufacturing business
  3. Opportunity for in-depth advice or analysis with relevant technology expertise or sustainability calculation
  4. Process support when implementing a remanufacturing process


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Identify your remanufacturing potential


Price on tender

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production
Hanna Linden

Contact person

Hanna Linden

Senior forskare

+46 10 228 46 75

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Emma Enebog

Contact person

Emma Enebog


+46 10 228 48 98

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