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Sound measurements in buildings

RISE has extensive experience of sound insulation measurements in buildings in order to ensure the indoor environment. We work widely in all areas with examples such as research, verification and certification. Our customers are in industry and within public sector and we are accredited for the current Swedish and international standards


It is important to build according to the regulations that exist today, but sometimes there can be problems anyway. We have a long experience of assessing both that the sound environment is satisfactory in new buildings, for example through our work with P-marking, and investigate why the sound environment is perceived as unsatisfactory in existing buildings. In homes, in different workplaces from office landscapes to hospitals, in schools and in other areas, we have investigated what problems the sound environment poses for the business and what the causes are. Sometimes we have been involved in the process and come up with measures and improvements. Sometimes we have had the role of third-party auditor, where we acted on the basis of RISE status as an independent institute, depending on the needs of the customer. To help us, we have all the resources required to run qualified acoustic assignments in the field.


Measurements in buildings



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Sound insulation measurement and noise measurements in buildings


Acoustic measurement equipment

Metrology Area

Sound and vibrations

Delivery level


Field measurements



Price on tender

Geir Andresen

Contact person

Geir Andresen

+46 10 516 58 01

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