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Ann Stare
Contact AnnThis method describes the testing of flame spread properties with a small defined flame. The test is performed on flexible materials such as textiles, coated textiles and leather.
The method is primarily used for materials for protective clothing.
The purpose of this method is to evaluate the fire properties of materials.
Materials that are included in protective clothing and work wear that come into contact with fire / flames must not ignite and burn. The method intends to evaluate the flame spread properties of the tested material. Thus, unsuitable materials can be identified.
Ignition is carried out for 10 seconds with a small gas flame against the surface or bottom edge of the material.
The flame spread properties of the material are recorded, such as burning time, glowing time, burning or molten debris, hole formation and if flames reach the edges of the test specimen.
Testing is often performed both before and after washing.
Several product standards used for CE labelling refers to this method i.e. SS-EN ISO 14116.
One report in Swedish or English with obtained results.