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Testing of odours from textile materials

We offer odour tests that allows us to carry out practical tests. The methods involve recognising odours from textile materials.

Testing of odours from textile materials

During the testing, a scent test is carried out and analysed by specially trained testers working in a dedicated room.

The methods aim to determine the odours (intensity and characteristics) emitted by textile finishes in all forms of processing under conditions of normal wear and tear.


SNR 195651:2015

OEKO-TEX method

Other methods according to request


A report is submitted in Swedish or English covering the results obtained.

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Textiles - Tests of odours from textile materials

Delivery level






Price on tender

Delivery time

Normal delivery time is 5-10 working days. A more precise delivery time is indicated in the order confirmation sent after receipt of the order and sample material.


Supports the UN sustainability goals

12. Responsible consumption and production

Contact person

Olha Kvasko

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 228 41 43

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Amanda Bakos

Contact person

Amanda Bakos

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 228 47 01

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