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The product passport and ecodesign navigator

Our Product Passport and Ecodesign Navigator service offers tailored support to companies that want to increase their knowledge regarding upcoming legislation on ecodesign and digital product passports and need support regarding effective working methods for increased sustainability and legal compliance. 

New legislation at EU-level leads the way towards sustainability

The expansion of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) is a legislative proposal from the European Commission that aims to make products more sustainable. The law, which is expected to enter into force in the summer of 2024, covers all types of products on the market except for food, feed and medicines. The bill intends to lead the way for new product design and improved production processes and business models, as well as increasing the requirements for information sharing and transparency regarding the handling of unsold products. This legislation will implement digital product passports for increased sustainability and circularity.

Ecodesign as a starting point and guiding principle

The law is based on the ecodesign perspective, with requirements for sustainability, reliability, reusable products that are upgradeable, repairable and easier to maintain and renovate,  but also on energy and resource efficiency and information on the content of recycled materials. Rules laid down in this legislation should also be able to cover those substances that inhibit circulability. An important basic idea is that consumers should be able to make more sustainable choices.

What we offer

Digital Product Passports (DPPs) are a set of sustainability data that enables the creation of circular products and business models. To be able to work effectively with digital product passports, it is important to have good contacts in the supply chain. We help you understand what information will be necessary, and how information exchange along the value chain can be improved and streamlined, to facilitate the introduction of digital product passports. We benchmark using the textile and battery sectors, which are the product segments where the indications regarding requirements are most clear.


We offer you customized and concrete navigation support, where the following parts can be integrated according to your wishes:

  1. Introduction to ESPR and Digital Product Passports
  2. Specific requirements under the new legislation and its impact in the textile and battery area, support in regard to communication material aimed for subcontractors affected by new legislation
  3. Analysis of the status of selected products from an ecodesign perspective – what are the strengths and weaknesses? Development of concrete proposals for action to increase your competitiveness in a market where sustainability makes the difference.


Contact us today to take the first step towards a sustainable future!

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Tailored support to companies regarding legislation on ecodesign and digital product passports


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Lisa Schwarz Bour

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Lisa Schwarz Bour


+46 10 228 48 07

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Hanna Linden

Contact person

Hanna Linden

tf Affärs-och innovationsområdeschef

+46 10 228 46 75

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