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Thermal analysis of composite materials - DSC

DSC – Differential Scanning Calorimetry is a very useful thermal analysis method. It is commonly used in the development and characterization of various composite materials.


DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) is a thermal analysis method for obtaining, among other things, degree of cure, glass transition temperature (Tg) and / or melting point (Tm) of the composite material.


The method is based on a sample being heated at constant speed together with a reference sample in separate ovens for sample and reference. The energy supply required for the temperature difference between the samples to be zero is recorded.

For example, if the sample cures at linear heating, less energy is required during the curing process for the reference sample to maintain the same temperature as the sample. This difference corresponding to the heat released by the curing reaction is recorded in a so-called thermogram. After the curing process, a controlled cooling of the sample can be done. To determine the Tg of the polymer, the sample is heated again.

Application areas:

  • Determination of Tg and Tm
  • Determination of degree of cure
  • Determination of crystallinity


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Thermal analysis of composite materials - DSC


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Tommy Öman

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Tommy Öman

Senior Forskare

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