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Thermal propagation – battery testing

Thermal propagation is when an increase in temperature in one part of a battery leads to a chain reaction where the temperature rises rapidly throughout the battery. This implies a major security risk.

Thermal propagation – reason

Thermal propagation can be caused by, for example, internal short circuits, overcharging, or manufacturing defects in a battery. The consequences of thermal propagation are often serious.

Thermal propagation – consequences

Thermal propagation can lead to overheating, fire, melting, or explosion. The risk of thermal propagation is thus a critical safety concern in the design, manufacture, and use of batteries.

Thermal propagation – tests

Do you want to test batteries for thermal propagation? We help you with safe and sustainable testing. Our test environments have high safety with thick walls sturdy reinforcement and steel doors. By performing the tests indoors in our specially designed lab, we guarantee constant testing conditions and repeatability.

How the test is performed

The thermal propagation test begins with installing the battery in our lab. The battery is then subjected to temperature rise, which can be done through electric heating elements or flame exposure.

Monitoring the thermal propagation

Since we install temperature sensors both on and in the test object, it is possible to monitor the thermal propagation both externally and internally. The flue gas generated is captured by our hood system. This enables measurements of heat generation, smoke generation, and toxic substances.

Sustainable tests for thermal propagation

Not only do the tests involve a high validity and accuracy, but the tests are also carried out with the highest consideration for the environment. Both extinguishing water and flue gas are handled in an advanced cleaning system. This to achieve the least possible impact on the surrounding environment.

Included in battery standards

Thermal propagation is included as a part / standard test in most standards for batteries. To mention a few, it is included in these standards: IEC 62619IEC62660GBT38031SAE J2464

Thermal propagation — test results

After the test, you will receive the test results in a data file. If you wish, you will also receive a test report with a summary of the results of the thermal propagation test.

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Thermal propagation – battery testing


Gas meters, Thermometers

Metrology Area

Electricity, Combustion, Temperature


Other Certifications

Delivery level

Accredited, Non-accredited

Field measurements



IEC 62619
SAE J2464


Price on tender

Supports the UN sustainability goals

11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production

Contact person

Christian Forsberg


+46 10 516 62 25

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