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Testbed for automated manufacturing of high-performance composites

The test bed is an arena where companies can get help with testing, developing and learning about automated manufacturing. The key focus is towards cost-effective manufacturing of high-performance fiber-based composite components.

We offer development and industrialization of automated manufacturing technology, with a focus on:

  • Reducing process time
  • Increase process stability
  • Improve work environment
  • Reduce environmental impact

Our expertise is:

  • Automated manufacturing processes
    • AFP (Automated fiber placement)
    • Force-controlled applications (Forming, milling, drilling)
    • Handling (Pick & Place ofprepreg and assembly)
  • Joining
    • Induction welding of thermoplastic composites
  • Process simulation and advanced calculations


Welcome to contact us for more information and to talk about how we can help you!


Test & Demo name

T&D automated composites manufacturing


Laboratory testbeds (LT)


Manufacturing, Materials


Lightweight solutions, Mobility, Production and manufacturing

Strategic innovation program



Region Östergötland

Martin Schöllin

Contact person

Martin Schöllin


+46 10 228 49 71

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Contact person

Sebastian von Gegerfelt

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 228 49 69

Read more about Sebastian

Contact Sebastian
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