Astrid Ahlinder

Astrid has a background in polymer science, material science and additive manufacturing (3D printing). Astrid has expertise within rheology and mechanical characterisations of complex materials. Her specific interest is in the structure-property relationships of polymers and complex soft matter such as food formulations. In her daily work Astrid works with analysis and characterisation of food, biopolymers and polymers to relate the structural properties to their rheological, thermal and textural/mechanical properties. Astrid is co-responsible for the rheology instrumentation in the department. The rheometer (HR-30) is a hybrid dynamical mechanical analyser and has a wide array of accessories which allows for a wide type of measurements and samples to be used. Samples can for example be run at a wide range of temperatures ( -85 ºC - 600 ºC ); low to high viscosity systems; in paralell to light microscopy or in controlled humidty and temperature.
Astrid works both directly with small and larger R&D projects as well as larger research projects. In R&D projects Astrid aims to solve problems related to for example texture of food, such as ingredients substitution and formulation. Astrid also work in R&D projects related to rheology and dynamic mechanical analysis of polymeric systems (both syntethic and biopolymers) as well as applied expertimental polymer physics.
Related to the her research related to structure-properties she is interested the effect of processing parameters on the finished product. Astrid is involved with RISE work within Food Tech and the use of additive manufacturing within the food production system. Astrid has worked in projects related to 3D printing of dysphagia food for patients with swallowing difficulties (GoIndependent).
Rheology, rheo-microscopy, dynamic mechanical analysis, DMA, differential scanning calorimetry, DSC, structure-property relationship, ingrients, complex soft matter, processing, food science, Foodtech, additive manufacturing, 3D- printing, dysphagia foods, texture, formulation, ingrients, biopolymers, polymers
- Degradable copolymers in additive manufacturing: controlled fabrication of plia…
- Development of a solid food simulant to evaluate migration of chemicals from pa…
- Percolation and phase behavior in cellulose nanocrystal suspensions from nonlin…
- Saltiness enhancement : Impact of acid added to bread with heterogeneously dist…
- Development of an All-Marine 3D Printed Bioactive Hydrogel Dressing for Treatme…
- Towards attractive texture modified foods with increased fiber content for dysp…
- Minimise thermo-mechanical batch variations when processing medical grade lacti…
- Poly(epsilon-caprolactone-co-p-dioxanone) : a Degradable and Printable Copolyme…
- Computational and experimental characterization of 3D-printed PCL structures to…
- Surface-Initiated Controlled Radical Polymerization Approach to in Situ Cross-L…