Diego Peñaloza är en forskare som arbetar med miljösystemanalys, livscykelanalys (LCA), miljövarudeklarationer (EPD), hållbarhetsanalys, miljöavtryck och klimatpåverkan.
Diegos miljöarbete fokuserar främst på textiler, biobaserade material, byggprodukter, byggande och anläggning.
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- The role of biobased building materials in the climate impacts of construction …
- Exploring climate impacts of timber buildings : The effects from including non-…
- Life cycle assessment of a circular textile value chain : the case of a garment…
- Life cycle assessment of textile fibre recycling – RE:Spin
- Life cycle assessment of textile fibre-to-fibre recycling by cellulose carbamat…
- Social and market acceptance of photovoltaic panels and heat pumps in Europe: A…
- The influence of system boundaries and baseline in climate impact assessment of…
- Life Cycle Assessment of an Office Building Based on Site-Specific Data
- Future scenarios for climate mitigation of new construction in Sweden : Effects…
- Climate impacts from road bridges : effects of introducing concrete carbonation…