Flavien Vucko
Global Scientific Leader at the French Corrosion Institute, part of the Corrosion department of RISE. Responsible of research activities related to mechanics/corrosion interactions, including stress corrosion cracking, fatigue-corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. Leader of research projects in France and in Sweden in various fields including automotive, aerospace and energy sectors.
Main fields of research:
- Hydrogen embrittlement of High Strength Steels under atmospheric corrosion conditions
- Impact of hydrogen charging on the mechanical properties and fatigue performance of corrosion resistant alloys
- Fatigue-corrosion of structural alloys (steels, stainless steels, aluminum alloys,...) and assemblies under atmospheric corrosion conditions
- Corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steels in marine environments
- Corrosion of materials for hydrogen production applications
- Properties of hydrogen in metals and hydrogen embrittlement under gaseous hydrogen condition
- Wet corrosion of incinerators under chloride deposits : Insights from experimen…
- Experimental study and finite element modelling of the cathodic protection infl…
- Effect of degraded environmental conditions on the service behavior of a X65 pi…
- Quantification of Hydrogen Flux from Atmospheric Corrosion of Steel Using the S…
- Scanning Kelvin Probe for Detection in Steel of Locations Enriched by Hydrogen …
- Quantification of subsurface hydrogen in corroding mild steel using Scanning Ke…
- Corrosion-Fatigue Performance of 3D-Printed (L-PBF) AlSi10Mg
- Kinetics of corrosion reactions on press hardened steel in atmospheric conditio…
- Hydrogen detection in high strength dual phase steel using scanning Kelvin prob…