Qin Wang received her Ph.D. degree in solid state physics at Lund University, Sweden in 1999. Now she is a senior expert at RISE and an adjunct professor at KTH. She is IEEE AVP of Women in Photonics, 2024 to 2026 (AVP stands for Photonics Society's Associate Vice President), also a member of IEEE Diversity Oversight Committee. She is a board member of IEEE Photonics Sweden.
She is working on nanostructure based electronics and photonics devices for sensing, imaging, communication, power electronics and life-science applications. She has experience working with EU projects from FP5 to EU H2020, and has been involved in Q-switch, Labels, Iphobac, Odin, Sandra, Technet_Nano, NoCaTs, C3PO, CAMART2, UltimateGaN, Opera, PhotonHub, All2GaN and iFLOWS projects.
She is the author or co-author of more than 100 international journal, conference and workshop papers, and a reviewer for international journals in photonics, sensors and micro/nano technology related areas. She has been engaged as expert reviewer to evaluate proposals for different calls from European Commission and as international/external reviewer of NSERC (Canada). She is supervisor for Master and PhD degree students, has been frequently invited in assessment committee for PhD dissertation.
More info:
(1) R&D activity on free space optical communication:
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5Gyw9dMtCA
* https://etn.se/index.php/reportage/63181-acreo-bygger-gbit-s-laenk-foer…
(2) R&D activity on graphene and ZnO:
* https://www.efn.se/poster/acreo-grafen-supermaterial
* http://www.elinor.se/Lat-UV-sensorer-garantera-vattenkvaliteten.html/
(3) Publications: https://scholar.google.se/citations?hl=en&user=V9N47eAAAAAJ&view_op=lis…