Rikard Norling
Affärsutvecklare för området korrosion. Arbetar främst med fokus på energisegmentet.
Forskningsledare och expert avseende högtemperaturkorrosion.
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- Influence of PbCl2 and KCl salt mixture on high temperature corrosion of alloy …
- Metal loss and corrosion attack of FeCrAl overlay welds on evaporator tube shie…
- Effect of KCl on high-temperature corrosion of low-alloyed steel under low oxyg…
- Metal loss and corrosion attack of FeCrAl overlay welds on evaporator tube shie…
- Influence of Pb and Cl in Waste Wood Fuel on Furnace Wall Corrosion of Low Allo…
- Effect of temperature on corrosion in saturated ammonium chloride solution
- Corrosion of carbon steel underneath a lead/potassium chloride salt mixture
- Effect of Lead Content in Used Wood Fuel on Furnace Wall Corrosion of 16Mo3, 30…
- Corrosion and deposit formation on four steels exposed in the syngas section af…
- Effect of sewage sludge addition on initial corrosion of 16Mo3 and 310S when ex…