Timo Maron
Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

Valorisation of biomass and industrial side streams is the main task of RISE Processum towards a sustainable future (https://www.ri.se/sv/processum). Whereas the chemistry group conducts applied research regarding process and product development with the goal to scale-up.
As R&D Engineer within this group, I try to keep an open mind about the path and methodology towards a desired solution, thus, employing organic chemistry, hydrothermal as well as electrochemical methods in both lab and pilot scale. Feel free to look them up:
- Reaktorsystem för kemiska bioraffinaderiprocesser
- Testbädd för Hydrotermisk förvätskning
- Elektrokemiska bioraffinaderiprocesser
In previous experiences, I mainly focussed on the synthesis and in-depth characterization of materials with very specific product requirements. These materials include among others hierarchical zeolites, modified lignin and polymer electrolyte membranes. Additionally, I worked on concept development, process simulation and application testing.