Ying Zhen Li
Senior research scientist

Dr Ying Zhen Li is a senior research scientist at RISE and also an associate Professor (Docent) affiliated with Luleå University of Technology. He chairs the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security (ISTSS). He serves as associate editor of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, guest editor of Fire Safety Journal, editorial board member of Underground Space, Fire, and Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer. He is also a committee member of both ISO/TC 92/WG 15 Fire Safety for Tunnels and Swedish SIS/TK 181 Fire Safety. He has published more than 100 scientific/technical publications concerning tunnel fire safety, co-authored the book “Tunnel Fire Dynamics” (two editions), and has been the winner of several prestigious awards such as the SFPE Jack Bono Award and the ITA COSUF Award. He has been Stanford/Elsevier's Top 2% Scientist since 2019.
His main research interests are in fire dynamics and fire suppression in tunnels and underground spaces, fire ventilation, fire and explosion hazards of alternative fuel vehicles, scale modelling and CFD modelling of fire and explosion flows.
- Experimental study on the maximum ceiling gas temperature driven by double fire…
- Mechanisms and performance of different fixed fire fighting systems in tunnels …
- Performance of various water-based fire suppression systems in tunnels with lon…
- Influence of upstream blockage on smoke control in tunnel fires
- Numerical modelling of water sprays and fire suppression in tunnels
- CFD Modelling of Tunnel Fires
- Pyrolysis and thermal properties of wood and high-density polyethylene
- Theoretical and numerical study on smoke descent during tunnel fires under natu…
- Electric Vehicle Fire Safety in Enclosed Spaces