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Industrial Applied AI

Adapting to the new AI-driven paradigm guarantees sustainability, competitiveness and success of the future industries. AI is already changing the entire business models by offering new ways of automation and knowledge creation. RISE will help you to see the possibilities, identify the opportunities and realise your AI strategies.​

Adapting to the new AI-driven paradigm is the key to future sustainability, competitiveness and success in national and international markets. Industries unveil success stories of increased productivity and profit and reducing time-to-market by integrating AI into their business models and processes.

Initiating and maturing the AI ​​integration to meet the organizations' objectives, can be a confusing maze with many business and technical choices to be made. During this AI journey, RISE helps companies and organizations to see the possibilities, identify the opportunities and choose the achievable goals. RISE AI experts can facilitate the choices that should be made and expedite the progress towards organization goals, by tailoring solutions to best suit the needs and outlining a roadmap for a successful AI integration at organizations.
RISE AI experts will bring the organization up to speed with the successful state of the art to reduce the risks, enable innovative approach, and set an AI vision for the organization based on the best ethical AI practices.

RISE can offer

  • AI roadmap development​
    Initiating and evaluating AI solutions that best suited to the organisation's strategies.

  • Additive AI expertise and support​
    Additive expertise and competence to aid the organisation's AI-team in meeting the predefined objectives and goals.

  • AI-competent management​
    Technical project managers to handle the details of an outsourced AI integration.

Our Expertise 

  • Industrial data analytics 
  • Monitoring systems
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Prognostics and smart decision support
  • ML in operation
  • Computer vision
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Federated learning
  • Hybrid modelling
  • Distributed cyber security

As an innovation partner, RISE can maximize the output of the organizations' AI team, by helping to make the right implementation, decisions and thus reducing the effort, saving time and increasing efficiency, productivity and profitability.

The multidisciplinary team of expert professionals at RISE commits to the realization of your vision, without any predisposition other than the success of the industry. 

Jonas Lindqvist


Jonas Lindqvist

+46 70 212 90 99

Läs mer om Jonas

Kontakta Jonas

* Obligatoriskt Genom att skicka in formuläret behandlar RISE dina personuppgifter.

Mehrzad Lavassani


Mehrzad Lavassani

Senior Researcher/Project Leader

+46 73 081 46 75

Läs mer om Mehrzad

Kontakta Mehrzad

* Obligatoriskt Genom att skicka in formuläret behandlar RISE dina personuppgifter.


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* Obligatoriskt Genom att skicka in formuläret behandlar RISE dina personuppgifter.



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