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Episode 3: How can AI support a sustainable business offering?

In this episode we meet Jon Lindén, CEO Ekkono, and Sara Fallahi, RISE. Their conversation highlights how AI and circular business models go hand in hand, how far companies have come, and help us identify the key opportunities and pitfalls.


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About this episode

Jon Lindén is the CEO of the AI company Ekkono, which primarily helps industrial companies leverage large datasets for business purposes. In this episode he, among other things, discusses:

  • What a value-based business model can look like in practice, and that it doesn’t necessarily have to be a PaaS model
  • How AI and data enable value-based business models
  • How advanced, or not, companies really are

Sara Fallahi is head of unit Technologies for interaction at RISE, and she addresses:

  • The 3 dimensions of a circular business model
  • What we really mean by a value-based business model, what does the theory say?
  • Pitfalls of using AI as a tool in business model innovation

In the conversation with our hosts Gunnar and Josefina, Sara and Jon help us understand what a circular business model is and make the complex more understandable. They naturally tie together data, AI, and business models with sustainable circular economy.

Our guests

Sara Fallahi, RISE

Sara Fallahi is senior researcher and unit manager for Technologies for Interaction at RISE. She has a PhD in Technology Management and Economics and has more than 10 years of experience in organization research with specific focus on transformation and business model innovation in established industries. Sara's current research focus is on how digital technologies and tools (such as AI) can help to design more user-centered and sustainable products and services hence accelerate the transition towards circular business models. She strongly believes that digital and sustainable transformation must go hand in hand to generate higher value in businesses and society at large.

Jon Lindén, Ekkono 

Jon Lindén is a serial entrepreneur and co-founder of Ekkono that develops Edge AI software. Edge AI makes it possible to run AI onboard things, like machines and vehicles, to learn where and how every individual unit runs to optimize and service them the best possible way and thereby prolong their product life and minimize energy consumption. Jon is, just like Ekkono, purpose-driven in his entrepreneurship och engaged in questions about how technology, business models, and community decisions impact our ability to take on today’s challenges.

Josefina Sallén

Contact person

Josefina Sallén

Expert cirkulära affärsmodeller

+46 72 208 93 60

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