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Circular Business Lab offers advice and projects to meet the needs of companies in the transition journey from linear to circular business.

Circular Business Lab supports companies with different needs, regardless of whether you have worked with circular business for a long time or are just getting started. We offer training, development projects on a consulting basis and the opportunity to participate in research programs. Here we have summarized our most important offers where we at RISE have deep competence and many years of experience.

Get started


Management Upskilling​

Educate the board and management team about circular business logic​

Sustainability Policy Navigation

Learn about new regulations and policy and how it will impact your business. See the specfic offer here. ​

Circular Direction​

Review circular business opportunities and build your circular direction and targets 


Explore, test and validate


Future Adaptive Design​

Develop your products to be optimized for longevity and high utilization in circular business models​. See the specific offer here. 

Business Model Innovation​

Develop your circular business model and business case and test it with customers. See the specific offer here. 

Pilot Initiatives​

Build and launch an MVP of your circular business and iteratively improve it


Implement and measure


Research Reviews & Projects​

Deep dive in the latest research on key topics or collaborate in research studies​

Metrics and KPIs​

Establish KPIs and metrics to follow up on progress and secure real impact ​

Value Chain Implementation​

Get support on your value chain, materials selection, recycling, validation and certification