Energy Economics Lab - Links to data
On this page, we have collected links to pages were energy economics related data is available. The primary focus is on Sweden and the Nordics, but some European and international sources are also included.
Please note: Some of the data listed below is for non-commercial use only. Make sure to consult the relevant terms and conditions before using.
Swedish official energy statistics
The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) is responsible for producing Swedish official statistics for energy use, production and prices. Much of this data is available both from the Swedish Energy Agency, and from Statistics Sweden (SCB) .
Examples of the type of official statistics data produced by the Swedish Energy Agency:
- Yearly energy use for various sectors (industrial sectors, transport, construction, fisheries, forestry, agriculture, etc.) and building types (small residential buildings, larger residential buildings, non-residential buildings, etc.). This data is based on surveys, and many of the surveys are not conducted every year.
- Monthly deliveries, imports and exports of various fuels, based on information collected from relevant companies.
- Monthly electricity production by type, and monthly electricity consumption for some user categories. Based on information collected from relevant companies.
- Solar PV installations (number and capacity) by size and municipality.
- Wind power turbines (number, capacity and produced amount) by municipality.
- Wood fuel production and average purchase prices, by wood fuel type.
- Average retail prices for electricity and natural gas, by customer type, including network fees and energy prices (yearly or quarterly).
Swedish power system
Svenska kraftnät is the Swedish transmission system operator.
The following data is available from Svenska kraftnät’s Mimer website:
- Hourly electricity consumption and production data. The production data is broken down by generation type and market area, and the consumption data is broken down by metering type and market area.
- Hourly weighted average prices for primary frequency regulation (FCR-N and FCR-D).
- List of companies that are active on the electricity market in Swedish.
- List of Swedish network areas.
Some additional data is available from the Svenska kraftnät statistics page:
- Import and export volumes.
- Hourly consumption and production data (similar to consumption and production data from Mimer website).
Svenska kraftnät also provides a network area map.
Swedish network companies
Swedish Energy Markets Directorate (Energimarknadsinspektionen) supervises and develops the rules for the electricity, district heating and natural gas markets in Sweden. They provide data (both financial and technical) about Swedish distribution companies, such as:
- Network fees for different types of customers.
- Yearly financial results and balance sheet information.
- Technical information about the networks.
Nordic electricity spot market
Nord Pool Spot is the main electricity spot market for the Nordic countries. Market data is available for download (for non-commercial use) from their website:
- Day-ahead and intraday market outcomes, such as prices, volumes, cross-zonal transmission capacities, and scheduled cross-zonal flows.
- Underlying data for hourly aggregate supply and demand curves from day-ahead market.
Nord Pool also provides some additional data collected from other sources:
- Prices and volumes for regulating power (mFRR) for the Nordic countries, and the resulting imbalance settlement prices.
- Weekly hydro reservoir levels.
- Forecast and actual consumption and production, including separate data for wind power production.
European electricity spot markets
EPEX spot operates electricity spot markets for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. The EPEX spot website provides some data for download. More is available from the ENTSO-e Transparency Platform, under the “Transmission” category.
Financial products for electricity
Futures and other financial derivatives for electricity in the Nordics is traded on the Nasdaq Commodities exchange. Nasdaq Commodities also provides trading for other energy-related commodities such as natural gas, electricity certificates and carbon emission rights, and covers some other European countries in addition to the Nordics. Historical market data is available for download up to 3 months back.
EEX (European Energy Exchange) is a similar marketplace for many other European power markets. Some market data is available from their website.
Electricity certificates
Administrative data is available from Swedish Energy Agency, including, for example:
- Production units receiving certificates.
- Companies required to purchase certificates.
- Number of certificates issued and consumed, by source and year.
Monthly price data is available from SKM Svensk Kraftmäkling.
European natural gas
European natural gas is traded on several exchanges, as well as OTC. A common reference hub for European natural gas is the Dutch TTF (Title Transfer Facility) hub. Information about current spot prices and futures can be obtained from Powernext PEGAS.
Data and maps for the European gas network is available at the ENTSO-g Transparency Platform.
EU Emissions Trading System
EEX is responsible for operating the primary auctions for most EU member states and serves as an exchange for the secondary market. Data for the primary auction results are available for download from EEX.
International energy statistics
The BP Statistical Review provides aggregate information (mostly by country and year) for a range of energy commodities. The underlying data is available for download.
This includes data on:
- Oil, gas and coal: Reserves, production, consumption, prices.
- Nuclear, hydroelectric and renewables generation.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) publishes statistics on renewable energy capacity, power generation and renewable energy balances. Year and country level data is available for download.
Energy use in buildings
The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) has conducted a survey of about 1800 buildings in 30 Swedish municipalities (the BETSI survey), focusing on the energy use, technical status and indoor environment of the buildings. Detailed survey data is available in an open database.
Swedish weather data
Historical observations from a large number of Swedish weather stations can be downloaded from SMHI.
Renewable energy regulations in Europe
The European Commission provides the RES LEGAL Europe database, which collects information about legislation on support schemes, grid issues and policies for renewable energy.