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Introduction to foundry technology

Introduction to foundry technology - iron and steel

The course deals with the entire journey from raw material to finished castings. You get a broad overview of the manufacturing chain and what methods and materials are available. The course deals with subjects such as production technology, current environmental issues and what the foundry industry looks like nationally and internationally.

The course also consists of practical elements, among other things, the participants themselves can try casting in our test and demonstration foundry in a much appreciated exercise. The course also serves as a meeting place with interesting discussions and exchange of experiences between the participants.


The course runs over 3 days and consists of the following elements:

  • Overview of casting methods and cast materials
  • Construction of cast components
  • Production technology
  • Cast iron and cast steel
  • Molds and cores
  • Digitization
  • The foundry industry's environmental, work environment and energy issues
  • Research and future
  • Practical exercises.

Target group

The course provides a broad introduction to new employees at foundries and to employees in positions outside the direct production. The course provides useful insight and new knowledge to you who are new to the industry. The course is also aimed at those who already work with casting but who want to rehearse and broaden your knowledge.

Expected prior knowledge

No previous knowledge required.


Lennart Elmquist
Jörgen Jernkrook
Åsa Lauenstein
Andreas Lindberg Pruth
Mattias Lundberg
Martin Risberg
Mahsa Saeidpour


27,700 SEK 

Dinner day 1 is included in the price. Any accommodation is booked and paid for by the participant themselves.


We give quantity discount if several of your employees attend our training/courses at the same time.

When registering two or more from the same company, a discount of 10% is given for the second participant and all subsequent ones.

Practical information

The course is held in Jönköping.

Other information

Contact us for questions about the course content.

All courses can also be ordered as commissioned training and then also adapted to some extent to your company.

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Contact person

Lennart Elmquist


+46 10 228 46 61

Read more about Lennart

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Elisabeth Holst-Samuelsson

Contact person

Elisabeth Holst-Samuelsson


+46 10 228 49 03

Read more about Elisabeth

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Education area

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