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Cellulose technologies

Cellulose technologies plays a central role in the bioeconomy, the transition towards a fossil-free society, and circular processes. The main part of the fiber line is the pulp mill, where wood is treated with chemicals to produce pulp with exposed fibers, and for certain applications, the pulp is subsequently bleached.

Cellulose technologies at RISE supports research and development to meet the industry's constantly changing needs and challenges, as well as stricter requirements from authorities and customers. The focus is on developing sustainable and cost-effective process solutions throughout the value chain, from various raw materials, including recycled materials, to pulp for various purposes.

RISE works with cellulose technologies on improving existing processes for pulp cooking, oxygen delignification, bleaching, and developing new processes for pulp production. Optimizing processes for maximum raw material utilization, chemical savings, energy, water efficiency, and continuous reduction of environmental footprint are at the core of research and development.

With extensive experience in cellulose technologies , chemical pulp production (cooking and bleaching), access to modern equipment, and qualified specialists, RISE facilitates testing of ideas, laboratory and pilot-scale demonstrations, and accelerates implementation and troubleshooting on an industrial scale. We can provide the answers and information you need regarding:

- Suitability of raw materials (wood and other biomass) for various paper/cellulose applications
- Wood and pulp quality issues
- Wood chip treatments
- Cooking and bleaching conditions
- New cooking and bleaching agents, including enzymes
- Brightness and light stability
- Pulp activity
- Pulp and fiber properties
- Environmental impact

In cellulose technologies, We work on both long-term research to improve existing cooking, oxygen delignification, and bleaching processes, as well as addressing acute process problems on the fiber line.

Some examples of what RISE can offer in Cellulose technologies:

- Optimized cooking and bleaching strategies for pulp quality and process economics
- New sustainable pulp processes with minimal environmental impact
- Process transition regarding raw materials and/or final product
- Fractionation of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin from various raw materials according to the needs of the biorefinery
- Integration of biorefinery processes into chemical pulp mills
- Production of specialty cellulose for applications such as textiles and nanocellulose.

Dissolving Pulp


Fluff Pulp


Bleaching of Cellulose

Lars Sundvall

Contact person

Lars Sundvall

Gruppchef Cellulosateknologi

+46 70 526 52 21

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Sven Norgren

Contact person

Sven Norgren


+46 10 722 32 57

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