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Cybersecurity Research, Development and Innovation

RISE has the most comprehensive cybersecurity expertise in Sweden. We are also the European leader on IoT security with combined efforts in projects, publications, and IETF standardization. RISE also owns a cyber range that is a state-of-the-art cybersecurity test and demonstration facility in Kista, Stockholm.

RISE Cybersecurity Unit's research and Innovation activities span across Strategic Research funded by SSF, VR, and RISE, Applied Research funded by Vinnova, H2020, ECSEL, CelticNext, EIT Digital, Eurostars, and the Swedish SIP-IoT program, and Industry-funded Research by Ericsson, Volvo, Saab.  

Technical Cybersecurity Expertise

Below are our core areas of expertise, backed by multi-year research and development projects funded by Sweden, EU, and directly by industry.
Click to dig deeper into individual expertise

  • IoT Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Software Security
  • 5G Security
  • AI security
  • Automotive Security
  • Cybersecurity Certification


Coordinating the Swedish Cybersecurity Research and Innovation Node 

  • The cybersecurity node intends to bring together industry, academia, and public sector with the mission of identifying, prioritizing and initiating activities that can create a favorable research & innovation climate for Swedish industry. Updates on
    Inauguration: december 04, 2020

RISE Cyber Range

Our new cyber range is Sweden's first investment of its kind for civilian use. The new facility in Kista is a way to make test and demo environments for cybersecurity available to customers and partners. Here we can offer a completely controlled virtual environment and tools for creating stable and secure IT systems. The environment can also be tailored to simulate real threats and scenarios in your everyday life. The place is physically protected with steel walls. 

Participation in European Cybersecurity Activities

  • H2020 CONCORDIA: A European cybersecurity network of excellence
  • European Cyber ​​Security Organization (ECSO)
  • EARTO Security and Defense working group
  • EU Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group (SCCG)

RISE-Ericsson Annual Cybersecurity Day

It is the annual flagship event RISE Cybersecurity organizes every year with Ericsson. It covers both international keynotes and highlights of RISE and Ericsson Security Research's new cybersecurity activities during the past year. The 2019 version of the day attracted over 250 participants, where among others Swedish Minister for Enterprises Ibrahim Baylan also participated. 
Link to the load event: To be updated


Shahid Raza

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Shahid Raza


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A novel Adaptive Cybersecurity Framework for the Internet-of-Vehicles

nIoVe aims to deploy a novel multi-layered interoperable cybersecurity solution for the Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV), with emphasis of the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) ecosystem by employing an advanced cybersecurity sys…

Cloud Orchestration at the Level of Application

Project COLA aims to increase adoption of cloud computing services by Small and Medium Enterprises and the public sector. The objective of COLA is to define and provide a reference implementation of a generic and pluggable framewo…

Securing things: Human Centred Internet of Things Security

Our overall goal is to develop the cultural, political and empirical understandings that will be needed to regulate, manage, and design for secure IoT.

A novel Adaptive Cybersecurity Framework for the Internet-of-Vehicles

nIoVe aims to deploy a novel multi-layered interoperable cybersecurity solution for the Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV), with emphasis of the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) ecosystem by employing an advanced cybersecurity sys…

Cloud Orchestration at the Level of Application

Project COLA aims to increase adoption of cloud computing services by Small and Medium Enterprises and the public sector. The objective of COLA is to define and provide a reference implementation of a generic and pluggable framewo…

Cyber Resilience for Vehicles

The introduction of autonomous and connected vehicles has brought new cybersecurity challenges to the automotive industry and put requirements on the dependability of vehicles in the presence of cyber-attacks. CyReV* focused on cy…