Alfonso Iacovazzi
Senior Researcher

Alfonso Iacovazzi is a Senior Researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. He received his MSc degree in telecommunication engineering in 2008, and his PhD degree in information and communication engineering in 2013, both from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. His main research interests include communication security and privacy, traffic analysis and monitoring, intrusion detection, and traffic morphing.
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- Enabling Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing for Resource Constrained IoT
- BMI : Bounded Mutual Information for Efficient Privacy-Preserving Feature Selec…
- CLEVER : Crafting Intelligent MISP for Cyber Threat Intelligence
- On the Resilience of Machine Learning-Based IDS for Automotive Networks
- Towards Cyber Threat Intelligence for the IoT
- ARCADIAN-IoT - Enabling Autonomous Trust, Security and Privacy Management for I…
- Ensemble of Random and Isolation Forests for Graph-Based Intrusion Detection in…
- MAS-CTI : Machine Learning Assisted System for Cyber Threat Intelligence