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Durability of plastic materials and polymeric materials

All types of materials degrade over time, not only depending on the material itself but also on the surrounding environment, where durability can be defined as the ability to remain unchanged for a long time. We evaluate long-term sustainability in the form of durability of polymeric materials and products through accelerated aging.


How can we prevent the failure of products, either polymeric or composite materials, while in use in important industrial or consumer applications?

We are a resource for customers from supplier to end-user

We are happy to help you throughout the value chain, from product development to market introduction, to ensure success as early as possible in the process:

• Resistance (degradation or corrosion)
• Functionality
• Safety
• Environmental impact

We can also assist in laying the groundwork for e.g. certification of products prior to market introduction.

Our offer 

Our expertise lies in exposing materials or products to different environments during accelerated aging and before, during and after exposure evaluating e.g. mechanical, physical, chemical or biological properties in order to make lifetime assessments.

We also perform function tests to ensure the maintained function over time of tested products.

  • Standardized according to accredited methods 
  • Designed according to specialized testing in consultation with the customer

The results can e.g. form the basis for service life assessments, accident investigations or product certifications.

Extensive experience

We have extensive knowledge and experience of how polymeric materials and products behave in different environments. This includes everything from resistance to aging, corrosive environments, weather and mechanical impact to accelerated testing in test beds and inspections.

Equipment and resources

Our extensive facilities for simulated aging correspond to both indoor and outdoor climates. We have a unique capacity when it comes to humidity and temperature-controlled climate chambers and have advanced equipment to study resistance to heat, ozone, chemicals, fuels, oils or mechanical stress.

A broad range of plastic applications is evaluated

The use of polymeric materials and products is broad, and we work with everything from:

  • Medical devices
  • Construction products
  • Vehicle components
  • Materials and products in infrastructure, water and sewerage and the process industry

P-marking/Product certification

Product certification is also something we work with, not least with our own quality certification, the P-mark.  

Research and development in the durability of polymers

We participate and lead scientific research projects in the development of polymer degradation.

These include, for example, projects such as:

  • Developing non-destructive test methods to determine degradation
  • Durability of polymers in nuclear power environments/applications
  • Durability of bio-polymers
  • Beständighet hos nanopolymerer 
Christian Carlsson

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Christian Carlsson


+46 10 516 55 42

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Mia Littorin

Contact person

Mia Littorin


+46 10 516 57 08

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