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Biodegradation and compostability

Biological recycling of materials and products is a possibility to reduce and recycke waste.

International norms and standards state regulations and demands on which products can be called degradable or compostable. RISE performs testing of a materials biodegradability in different environments. The environment is selected with respect where the



To provide knowledge on to what extent a product is degraded in selected environment, i. e. marine, industrial compost, home composting or plant for digestion. The tests shows that a product fulfills national as well as international requirements and guidelines


RISE is accredited for testing according to EN 13432

Step 1. The material/product is analysed to determine the composition and detect any components that may be hazardous to the environment, such as heavy metals. Results can be obtained within 1 month.

Step 2. The ultimate degree of biodegradation rate is determined by the amount of carbon dioxide evolved. The maximum test time is 6 months.

Step 3. Control is made that the material decomposes into sufficiently small fragments, so-called. Disintegration. The maximum test time is 6 months.

Step 4. The retained compost after disintegration and its impact on aquatic or terrestrial organisms are analysed in ecotoxicological tests. Such a test usually takes 6 weeks.

When the material/product is tested and meets all requirements according to EN 13432, you can apply for certification according to SPCR 141.

EN 13432, ISO 14852, ISO 14855, ISO 17556, ISO 20200, ISO 16929, ISO 19679, OECD 208, OECD 301


Results and practice are presented in a written report.


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Evaluation of biodegradability or compostability of a material or product in different environments.


Other Certifications

Delivery level



EN 13432, Accredited

ISO 14852

ISO 14855, Accredited

ISO 17556, Accredited

ISO 20200

ISO 16929

ISO 19679

OECD 208

OECD 301



We also perform testing according to several ASTM-standards within the field


Price on tender


No preparation needed

Supports the UN sustainability goals

11. Sustainable cities and communities
Catrin Lindblad

Contact person

Catrin Lindblad

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 53 14

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Contact person

Ellen Wasling


+46 10 516 53 12

Read more about Ellen

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