Contact person
Thomas Angervall
Contact ThomasThe climate database is used to increase awareness of the climate impact of various foods and contribute to reduction of the climate impact from our consumption and production of food.
NEW in the Climate Database 2024 – Nutrient Rich Index and Biodiversity Footprint.
Consumers and organizations want to make climate-conscious choices, but many find it difficult to know what a good choice is for the climate in the restaurant, in the grocery store or what is a reasonable level for the organization's set climate goals. At the same time, the demands on climate information from customers and society are increasing.
RISE Food Climate Database provides knowledge about the climate impact of different food products and is used as a tool to reduce the carbon footprint in recipes or when purchasing food. By including climate information in tools and applications in the daily everyday decisions, it becomes easier to make more conscious decisions. The RISE food climate database is also used for climate reporting and set climate goals. The database provides information regarding what is big and small and can also indicate suggestions for more climate-smart choices between different food groups.
The basis for the carbon footprints in RISE food climate database is life cycle assessments of more than 800 food products, representative for Swedish food consumption. The life cycle assessment (LCA) is an ISO-standardized method and each food product has been given a carbon footprint that shows the climate impact from its production chain. The carbon footprints are general (not developed for specific producers' products) and should be seen as an approximate value of the food product´s climate impact. The climate impact of products is usually called carbon footprint and is expressed here in kg carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) per kg of food, even though different foods are far from comparable in function (eg nutrient content).
The RISE Food Climate database is leased from RISE and updated annually to a new version. Depending on your needs, the database can be used in existing applications and tools or for the development of a completely unique solution.
Users of the Climate Database can now not only assess and compare the climate impact of food products but also evaluate their nutrient quality and impact on biodiversity. By integrating the Climate Database with the Biodiversity Database and the Nutrient Rich Index, food companies and public organizations gain a more comprehensive view of the environmental impact of food products and their nutritional content.
Users of the Climate Database can now, in addition to assessing climate impact, also evaluate and compare the nutrient quality of food products as well as their impact on biodiversity. The Nutrient-Rich Index (NRF Index) serves as an indicator for assessing the nutritional quality of food, while the Biodiversity Footprint (fPDF) measures the potential species loss caused by human land use.
NRF-index in RISE Food Climate Database.pdf (pdf, 74.92 KB)
Biodiversity footprint in RISE Food Climate Database.pdf (pdf, 75.32 KB)
RISE Open access list 2.3 2024.pdf (pdf, 4.03 MB)
RISE food climate database_241119.pdf (pdf, 290.44 KB)