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Reducing vibration injury by fixing the source of the problem is the goal within the ZeroVibCenter. As a member of the network, your company receives knowledge and help further in vibration-related issues and also invitations to seminar days where we present what is going on in the field. Together we prevent vibration injuries!

With ZeroVibCenter we want to create a hub where companies and organizations can share knowledge, experiences and get help with various vibration-related issues. RISE has extensive experience in working with projects and activities to reduce vibration in machines and reduce vibration injury .

What you get as a member

  • A network and meeting place with the possibility to share experiences with other companies, industry players and researchers
  • Two seminar days a year with all members where we, among other things, review what is relevant in research and development, we present an international external analysis, update of standards and discussions about urgent projects and activities.
  • Opinion formation
  • The possibility to rent the measuring instrument for ISO and ultra vibrations at reduced price (high frequency vibrations, i.e. >1250 Hz)
  • Member emails

Services RISE offers in vibration reduction

For machine users

  • Mapping of vibrations, both ISO and high frequency vibrations
  • Measures to reduce vibration exposure:
    • Design change of produced products
    • Alternative ways of working in production
    • Measures on existing machines
    • Help with requirements when purchasing machines

For machine manufacturers

  • Development of low vibrating machines

RVM10 - RISE Vibration Monitor

RVM10 is a measurement system for hand-arm vibration with capabilities of simultaneously measure ISO 5349-1 weighted vibration and high frequency ultravibration up to 30 kHz.

The system is a scientific prototype and has the following specifications:

  • High frequency analog single axis measurement based on an accelerometer, PCB 3501A2060KG
    • Max amplitude 200.000 m/s2
    • Resonance frequency, >120 kHz
    • Sampling rate, 500 kHz
    • Alias filtering, 200 kHz
    • Digital filtering at 30 kHz, can be varied.
  • Low frequency digital tri-axis ISO 5349 vibration based on an Analog Devices ADXL 372
    • Sampling rate 7.000 Hz
    • Max 2.000 m/s2
    • ISO 5349-1 filtering and vector summary

The sensor head is connected to the measurement box via a 2-meter cable. Measurement box contains of a signal conditioning pcb board and a single board computer that communicates with a laptop via Wi-Fi and exports the data.

The software is a MATLAB GUI that is installed in the customers laptop and controls the measurement process and displays the data together with data analysis. The data is received in MATLAB format for further post processing.


The price of RVM10 is SEK 215.000 (USD 21.500), shipping is added.
The price of extra sensor head is SEK 25.000 (USD 2.500).
All prices are VAT excluded.

Please contact Hans Lindell, see contact information below, for more details on price, terms and conditions.

Network facts



Login for members


Membership fee per year: SEK 9,500.

Terms and conditions: Membership is invoiced per calendar year and runs until further notice. Any termination will be made no later than December for the coming calendar year.

Research organisations (universities, colleges and institutes) pay half the price.


Become a member

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Hans Lindell

Contact person

Hans Lindell


+46 70 780 60 02

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Carolina Pettersson

Contact person

Carolina Pettersson


+46 10 228 47 37

Read more about Carolina

Contact Carolina
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