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Aluminum in Lightweight PEMFCs with High-temperature (ALPH)

In ALPH, new coating and forming methods are devloped to enable the use of aluminum as bipolar plate material for High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFCs). The lightweight metal combined with the higher temperatures enable lighter fuel cells with a simple cooling system for use in for example heavy duty trucks.

Fuel cells are a potential power source to enable the electrification of heavy duty trucks. The majority of all fuel cells are low temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (LT-PEMFCs), which use pure hydrogen combined with oxygen from air, at up to 100 °C, to produce electricity 

In the ALPH project, new aluminum based bipolar plates for HT-PEMFCs will be devolped. Through the use of aluminum as bipolar plate material, the weight of the fuel cell can be decreased, thereby increasing the power density. To be able to handle the corrosive environment in the fuel cell, new coating systems will be developed. Also forming and joining of aluminum based bipolar plates will be studied in the ALPH project. Test methods both ex situ and in situ a HT-PEMFC will be developed in the ALPH project.


Project name




RISE role in project


Project start


3 years


Blue World Technologies, Cell Impact, Gränges, Impact Coatings, Jönköping University, LPTech, Uppsala Universitety


Swedish Energy Agency


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
13. Climate action
Anders Lundblad

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Anders Lundblad


+46 70 591 50 03

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Hannes Nederstedt

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Hannes Nederstedt


+46 10 251 39 07

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