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BIO2REG - Catalyst for regional bioeconomy
Today, many regions lack the tools, knowledge and resources to make the transition to a circular bioeconomy. BIO2REG is a European project that helps greenhouse gas-intensive regions make this important transition. Through concrete actions, we support them to become model regions in the bioeconomy.
The circular bioeconomy, which uses renewable biological resources and technologies to produce food, materials, or energy, can play a crucial role in shaping structural change. It has the potential to create new value networks, thereby promoting knowledge-based growth and jobs, ecosystem revitalisation and resilience, resource efficiency and circularity, and innovation, while taking into account the context-specific economic, social and environmental conditions of a region.
Driven by the shift towards sustainable development, regions with carbon-intensive economies, such as coal mining, intensive agriculture, forestry, fisheries and peat production, are undergoing significant structural change. The negative impacts can be severe, including economic disruption, unemployment, social strain, and regional inequalities.
Transition through European cooperation
Our mission: BIO2REG is a three-year European project that aims to enable the systemic transformation of greenhouse gas-intensive regions into bioeconomy model regions. Nine partners are committed to developing concrete measures to enable sustainable bioeconomic transitions in European regions.
BIO2REG seeks to equip regional stakeholders with an array of practical knowledge and tools to design and implement a region-specific transition.
These tools include:
- A multi-criteria assessment framework and guides for a self-assessment of bioeconomy model region potential.
- A network of regions that promotes direct stakeholder interaction and mutual learning.
- An interregional exchange programme that will foster partnerships, showcase experiences and build capacities through mentoring and training services.
Sharing knowledge across regions
Central to the project is its regions-to-regions approach, fostering the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and challenges among various regional stakeholders involved in the transition process. The project’s unique model region framework places regions and their specificities at the centre of the transformation.
RISE participates in Work Package 1, “Assessing regional potential towards circular and systemic bioeconomy model region transition”, with a particular focus on Task 1.4, “Mapping best practices in circular and systemic model regions”.
RISE is also involved in Work Package 2, “Establishment of an interregional network structure on circular and systemic bioeconomy model region transition”, and contributes to other work packages within the project.
Introduction to the BIO2REG project
The climate crisis is severely impacting our planet, and the need to combat these consequences is more urgent than ever. As a response, more and more greenhouse gas-intensive regions are shifting to circular and bio-based sustainable production: bioeconomy. But every region is unique and needs a unique set of tools and support to transition based on regional strengths. BIO2REG is a unique initiative that puts the regions at the heart of the transformation by unlock-ing their individual bioeconomy potential. Its systemic regions-to-regions approach is the project cornerstone.
Bio-based and circular value chains
Building-up profitable value chains in the circular bioeconomy requires significant effort and ex-pertise. Achieving this involves integrating innovation, sustainability, and cross-sector collaboration - an ambitious yet essential endeavor. However, there are hurdles you could face in transforming your region into a bioeconomy model region.
Research infrastructure & living labs advancing the bioeconomy transition
Research infrastructure and living labs play a critical role in shaping the bioeconomy, providing the foundation needed to bridge the gap between discovery and commercialisation. It enables innovative solutions to transition from theory to practice. However, building this foundation poses significant challenges for regions navigating the shift to a bioeconomy.
Funding bioeconomy model regions
Private and public funding is a critical driver for transforming greenhouse gas-intensive regions into bioeconomy model regions. However, regional stakeholders face significant challenges.
Social fairness and education for bioeconomy model regions
The bioeconomy can serve as a key driver of structural change. However, this shift may present societal challenges rooted in the region's unique cultural context and specific circumstances. Making sure the transition is fair and just plays a pivotal role in this process, providing the founda-tion needed for a successful transition to a sustainable bioeconomy.
Bio2Reg Fact sheet (pdf, 341.37 KB)
Project name
RISE role in project
Project start
3 years
Senior Europa (Kveloce), BIOCOM Interrelations, Panteion University Athens, Biobased Industries Consortium, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Matis, BIOEAST HUB, HOMO SILVESTRIS EUROPAE
Funded by the European Union
Project website
BioökonomieREVIER, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Project members
Event calendar BIO2REGThe project presents at North Sweden Cleantech Meetup in Örnköldsvik, March 26th 2025
News Bio2RegSupports the UN sustainability goals