Contact person
Teresita Qvarnström
Contact TeresitaRISE is mentor partner in the CAMART2 project to develop the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL), into a stronger actor in the Baltic region, promoting excellence in science and industrial innovation.
CAMART2 is a H2020 Teaming-projec aiming to upgrade ISSP UL into a new, stronger and innovative hub for material science in the Baltic Region. The upgrade is to enable efficient transfer of new materials and technologies into products for commercial and public benefits based on exchange of knowledge and synergy with innovation-intensive Swedish partners - RISE and KTH.
All aspects of relevance for a research organisation are taken into account. High-quality research; upgrade of the educational program; establishment of en strong and sustainable innovation system; strengthening of the regional eco-system for innovation in Latvia; stronger networking and visibility; all within the frame of a deep cultural journey for the organisation, involving the management system and all the employees.
On the regional level, a Collaboration and Technology Transfer Platform is being established with the aim of:
The R&D&I activities at ISSP UL focus on:
For applications on
Mentor; deltagare
7 years
€ 30 000 000
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Centre of Advanced Materials Research and Technology Transfer CAMART2
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL)
Baltic News Network. CAMART2 – det största projektet i Lettlands vetenskapliga historiaEuropean Commission. CAMART2 Project description