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Cirkulära synergier mellan land och hav

Circular synergies between land and sea

Norwegian fish farms generate 600,000 tonnes of fish sludge annually, currently discharged into the sea. A cross-border project between Sweden and Norway brings together industry, researchers, and stakeholders from land and sea farming to explore converting this unused sludge into a valuable bio-based raw material for agriculture.

Fish sludge from the Norwegian fishing industry is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, substances that are currently being lost to the sea. This not only wastes valuable resources, but also has a negative impact on the marine ecosystem. At the same time, there is a shortage of phosphorus and nitrogen in both Swedish and Norwegian agriculture, where these substances could be used as organic fertilisers to increase agricultural productivity and reduce dependence on mineral fertilisers. There is currently no obligation to collect fish sludge in Norway, but fish sludge has the potential to become the Nordic region's bio-based fertiliser for growing crops for farm animals and as a possible protein source for fish feed, which would fully recycle the nutrients.

The Circular Land-Sea Synergies project is now exploring the potential to transform this residual flow and work towards more circular production, which in turn will contribute to increased competitiveness and self-sufficiency. In close and cross-border collaboration with new and existing industrial environments, the project will gather experience and data to create new and more sustainable value chains. The collaboration will contribute to the blue-green transition and circular economy in the fisheries sector.

However, fish sludge is a wet and heavy mass, making it difficult to transport and logistically challenging to utilise in agriculture. To overcome these challenges, technical solutions are needed to collect, process and transport fish sludge in an efficient and economically sustainable manner.

The project aims to:

  • Improve the knowledge of decision-makers to make sustainable, circular and sector-relevant decisions about facilities that promote industrial symbiosis.
  • develop a techno-economic and life cycle analysis for the use of fish sludge.
  • conduct crop trials with fish sludge as a soil conditioner and fertiliser.
  • Liaise for resource-efficient bio-economic development of industrial symbioses in Sweden and Norway.

RISE's role in the project

The Circular synergies between land and sea project is coordinated by RISE. We are also carrying out tests on sludge from sea and land-based fish farms using hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) to carbonise the sludge, which will then be tested through plant cultivation trials at Torsta in Krokom and Val skoler in Rörvik. Together with the High Coast Innovation Park site and the potential sites Kråköga in Rörvik and Alby in Ånge, we are carrying out techno-economic and life-cycle analyses for the exchange of knowledge and experience between Swedish and Norwegian industrial parks for industrial symbiosis.


Project name

Circular synergies between land and sea




Region Västernorrland

RISE role in project


Project start


3 år


RISE, Umeå Universitet​, Namdal Regionråd , Torsta AB​


Interreg Sverige - Norge, Region Västernorrland, Trøndelag fylkeskommune

Project website


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

5. Gender equality
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10. Reduced inequalities
Eleonora Borén

Contact person

Eleonora Borén

Innovations- och processledare

+46 10 516 67 96

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Yvonne M Nordin

Contact person

Yvonne M Nordin

Senior Project Manager

+46 10 516 67 65

Read more about Yvonne M

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