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A pile of wood waiting to be chipped
Photo: Karin Sandberg

FÅTT- Refinement of reused wood through technology development

Reuse is important for the transformation to sustainable community development. The project will investigate the process of refining reused wood into a high-quality facade material as a component in an industrially manufactured wooden facade system.

To order a wood facade of reclaimed wood is challenging today since technical function, environmental impact, price and appearance are equally important. What should the requirements be in the future? More knowledge and experience are required to ensure confidence for the purchasers and users of products from reclaimed wood.

This project will study the entire process in the value chain: collecting, sorting, and handling of side-stream solid wood from e.g., sawing, and residual solid wood from demolition into a high-quality component as part of a wooden facade system. Comparison with virgin material will be performed by automating the process of categorizing the properties of the recovered material using non-destructive scanning techniques and machine learning (AI) models. 

The aim is to develop an innovative manufactured "hybrid material" and at the same time study process flow parameters, calculate LCA, material flow costs, and market potential of a proposed new supply chain, as well as the development of new designs of the value chain. The new process flow includes collecting the rest products, sorting, and determining their quality with a scanner, and then manufacturing facade prototypes which are evaluated to assess if they meet the set requirements. The requirements are analyzed together with the parties in the project, several of whom are future 


Project name





Region Västerbotten

RISE role in project

Coordinator, Project Manager, Participant

Project start


30 month

Total budget

6,3 MSek


LTU Skellefteå, SLU Umeå, Norsjö Trä, T2 Training for skills, Peab i Skellefteå, Lindbäcks Bygg, Skebo, Würth , Ragn-Sells, Snidex fönstertillverkare, IsoTimber stomsystem, Lotus Maskin & Transport, Support och lokaler Skellefteå Kommun, LTU, Luleå tekniska universitet i Skellefteå, SLU, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet , Norsjö Trä AB, Trä och teknikcollege i Skellefteå AB, PEAB Sverige AB, Lindbäcks Bygg AB, Skelleftebostäder, Skebo, Würth Svenska AB, Ragn-Sells Recycling AB, Snidex AB, IsoTimber Holding AB, Lotus Maskin& Transport AB, Skellefteå Kommun/Support och lokaler


BioInnovation, Vinnova, Formas, Swedish Energy Agency


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

12. Responsible consumption and production
Karin Sandberg

Contact person

Karin Sandberg

Senior Forskare

+46 10 516 62 41

Read more about Karin

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