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Future Adaptable Design Electrical Vehicle by Circular Business models
The project aims to develop prototypes for profitable circular business models with associated design specifications for future-adapted heavy electric vehicles and electric cars for more electric vehicle miles.
The purpose of the project is to develop prototypes for profitable circular business models with associated design specifications for future-adapted heavy electric vehicles and electric cars which require an adaptive design to get more transport kilometres, be used more efficiently and be upgraded with new energy and resource efficient technologies.
The project can contribute to making it more interesting to invest in electric vehicles when the vehicle is sold as a service, which is expected to lead to increased introduction of electric vehicles and promote the Swedish vehicle industry.
Project goals
For electric cars and heavy electric trucks, respectively:
- Estimate the required product life / mileage for a vehicle sold as a transport service
- Identify requirements for the product architecture to achieve the desired service life
- Develop a business model that can make a product and service system with future-adaptive products become both profitable and achieve the desired energy / resource efficiency
- Publication of two scientific articles
The project is led by RISE and carried out in collaboration with Volvo Trucks, Volvo Technology, Polestar and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
The project aims at research and development on the application of life cycle analysis (LCA) in a circular adjustment. The work is carried out in connection with the other circular business model and future adaptive design (CBMI-FAD) development where the process of exchanging information between LCA and the rest of the CBMI process is evaluated.
The project consists of five work packages (WP1-5).
WP1: Assessment of longevity requirements based on environmental / climate goals fossil-free vehicle fleet
WP2: Development of customer offering and methods / working methods for detailed business modeling
WP3: Identification of product-related business risks and redesign for manageable and reduced risks
WP4: Organizational influence and changeability
WP5: Project management, documentation and communication
Read more about FAD, please click: Future Adaptable Design
Final Report FADEV project (pdf, 2.29 MB)
Future Adaptive Design_Guide_2023 (pdf, 25.02 MB)
Project name
Västra Götaland Region
RISE role in project
As a coordinator and researcher, lead the work to develop and test different circular methods
Project start
2020-04-13 - - 2023-03-31
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Polestar, Volvo Trucks
FFI Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation, Polestar, Volvo Trucks
Project members
Derek Diener Thomas Nyström Anneli Selvefors Johan Östling Markus Eriksson
External press
Polestar about the projectVolvo Trucks launched Electric TrucksSKF´s CEO Alrik Danielson and Peter Bryntesson från FKG (in Swedish)Volvo Trucks Supply Chain Webcast Q1 2021 Volvo Lastvagnars "Gudfader" Lars Stenqvist (CTO) & Jessica Sandström (produktchef) om tunga satsningen på elektriska lastbilar.Project Polestar 0 (Zero)Polestar and sustainabilityPolestar CEO Thomas Ingenlath, vision for future mobilityVolvo Trucks receives record order for electric trucksFrom an article in