Contact person
Mikael Söderman
Senior Forskare
Contact MikaelSmall autonomous electric delivery vehicles could be part of the transformation of freight transports under the first and last mile. The benefits are transport and energy efficiency, but these types of vehicles must also be safe and accepted in society. The GLAD project has investigated how this could be achieved.
The demand for goods deliveries in cities is increasing, not least due to growing e-commerce, and is expected to increase by 78% by 2030. Without action, transport related CO2 emissions could increase from 19 to 25 million tons over the next ten years. Advances in electrification and autonomous vehicles are expected to reduce emissions by up to 67% by 2030. Small autonomous electric delivery vehicles could contribute to this through efficient and more sustainable first and last mile transports..
The overall aim of the GLAD project has been to develop a broad knowledge base on prerequisites, obstacles and opportunities for small autonomous electric delivery vehicles and how these can interact with people. The main issues were:
During the project, various prototypes have been developed with a Zbee vehicle as a base for, among other things, studying the vehicle's driving behaviors, interfaces (HMI) for interaction with humans, control and monitoring of the vehicle's functions. The GLAD project has produced several interesting results that can provide useful knowledge to industry, authorities and to the research community.
The following reports from the project are published on DIVA and are open to download:
Challenges and potential business applications of Automated Delivery Vehicles – a brief overview
Autonoma leveransfordon – vad är de för sorts fordon och har det någon betydelse?
The GLAD project was coordinated by Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) with Aptiv AB, Combitech AB, Clean Motion AB and Högskolan i Halmstad as project partners. The project was also partly financed by the Swedish Transport Administration. The project was associated with the research center SAFER.
Västra Götaland Region
2.5 years
SEK 11 690 000
Aptiv, Clean Motion, Halmstad University, Combitech AB
Mikael Söderman Jonas Andersson Daban Rizgary Kristina Andersson Maria Schnurr
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