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HIVEMIND (Human-centred collaboratIVE MultI-ageNt framework for accelerating software Development and maintenance) is an ambitious project aiming to advance responsible and human-centric software engineering methods, tools and best practices leveraging AI and data technologies to accelerate the whole software development lifecycle.

HIVEMIND introduces an adaptive LLM-based multi-agent framework that enables collaboration between human actors and multiple AI agents tailored to mirror and provide specialised support for the various roles within a traditional software development team.

The project is positioned to support design-by-contract programming at all levels of integration by increasing the context awareness of AI agents that assist code development, analysis, verification and testing, allowing them to access relevant documentation during the development process. Moreover, HIVEMIND extends beyond the development phase, providing comprehensive support for the entire software lifecycle, covering software maintenance, including for multi-architecture systems.

RISE role in the project is to support design-by-contract programming during the software development lifecycle by contributing to the development of three AI agents: CodeGenAgent, QualityAgent and TestGenAgent. Furthermore, to accelerate the maintenance of software systems, RISE contributes to the development of two AI agents: MaintainAgent and DeploymentAgent. RISE also contributes to the cybersecurity assessment and quality control of the solution.

HIVEMIND represents a synergistic effort, merging the expertise of leading EU software engineering academics, AI researchers and industry representatives into a unified open-source framework. To this end, the project addresses a range of societal and industrial sectors, aiming at validating the HIVEMIND technologies in 5 relevant environments.


Project name





Other than Sweden

RISE role in project

Deltagare / arbetspaketledare

Project start


3 år

Total budget

€ 4 569 000 (RISE: € 430 000)


European Union's HORIZON Research and Innovations Actions under grant agreement No. 101189745

Project website


Project members

Peter Folkesson

Contact person

Peter Folkesson

Teknologie doktor

+46 10 516 54 16

Read more about Peter

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