LIMA – Lindholmen Integrated Mobility Arena
Mobility-as-a-Service or Combined Mobility will be tested with several hundred users in the Lindholmen science park in Gothenburg. While current MaaS services are available for individuals and households, test persons can use LIMA for both business and private travel. Travel administration will become easier - and the environment will benefit.
The Lindholms area in Gothenburg has in just under twenty years gone from being an abandoned industrial area to the region's most popular workplace, especially in the automotive sector. Each morning, approximately 14,000 highly educated employees (as well as 9,000 students) come to Lindholmen to work on the large and small high-tech companies that replaced the shipbuilding industry. But the fast establishment and densification of the area has also made it more difficult to travel here for those who are dependent on cars.
At the same time, most of the companies at Lindholmen work with new technology for mobility. This potential is utilized by the LIMA project, in collaborations to develop technology and business models that can improve access to mobility for employees at Lindholmen and create a better traffic environment. At the same time, the skills development this entails can lead to new export products and services for mobility.
LIMA will involve 1,000 employees in a large-scale pilot that includes combined mobility and includes new car sharing concepts and an overall system optimization using AI. In addition, concept development of a Mobility Hub as a physical gathering place for local transport and evaluation of behavioral changes among the travelers as well as business models and societal effects are included.
Project name
Västra Götaland Region
RISE role in project
Forskning, delprojektledning
Project start
28 månader
Total budget
50 mSEK
LSP, MoveAbout, Ericsson, Ubigo
Project website
Project members
Maria Schnurr Kent Eric Lång Kristina Andersson