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Property owners collaborate to preserve property values as Sweden adap

In PoCoClim we will increase the speed of implementation of climate adaptation measures for properties. We will work towards the vision: Climate-adapted properties, according to EU regulation. We will do this by creating a platform with the property owners at the center.

Purpose and goal

Climate related extreme weather events cause risks for high costs in society. Flooding alone can affect properties to an estimated value of SEK 96-160 billion, Boverket 2021. In PoCoClim we will increase the speed of implementation of climate adaptation measures for properties. We will work towards the vision: Climate-adapted properties, according to EU regulation. We will do this by creating a platform with the property owners at the center.

Expected effects and result

Together with the property owners, we create a roadmap to work towards the vision: Climate-adapted properties, in accordance with the taxonomy. Intermediate goals could be to develop a financing/business model for implementing measures, start to create consensus on methodology for climate risk and vulnerability analysis (climate resilience declaration is partly made in DaCoClim) and measures. The project will also result in proposals for continuation projects.

Planned approach and implementation

Our approach is co-creative through a series of workshops with the property owners. Our idea involves a four-step principle for real estate: 1) develop procedures for adapting operations and activities within the property; 2) installing warning systems and various types of emergencies responses; 3) implementing physical solutions twithin property boundaries; 4) implementing physical measures outside the property, likely together with other property owners and possibly also other actors.


Project name





Region Stockholm

RISE role in project


Project start


december 2024 - november 2025

Total budget

1 065 292 kronor


Stockholm stad, Stockholmshem, Svenska bostäder, Hufvudstaden, Regio, Arwidsro Fastigheter AB




Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

11. Sustainable cities and communities
13. Climate action
Stina Stenquist

Contact person

Stina Stenquist


+46 10 722 33 82

Read more about Stina

Contact Stina
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