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Rational building systems for medium to long-span timber structures

Building systems for timber structures, which reduces construction cost and climate impact.

The aim of this research project is to explore the possibility of producing a new type of building system for resource-efficient, medium to long-span timber structures. The idea is based on designing new types of easy-to-assemble wooden connections with high-strength birch plywood replacing conventional steel plate systems. Building systems for adaptive assemblages will be made in a digitized controlled process of standardised parts, where the design itself is optimised to fit the system.

The goal is to increase the resource efficiency and to thereby reduce the embodied energy and climate impact of such structures compared with traditional timber structures. Standardised parts provide economies of scale. Modularization provides increased manageability. Numerical processes provide repeated tolerances.

Expected effects are increased resource efficiency, lower sensitivity to tolerances, shortened production time and increased precision in the building systems, which reduces construction cost and climate impact.


  • Debertolis, M., Laurinaviciute, A. (2022). Load-bearing wood connections using birch plywood: An experimental study of birch plywood gusset plates behaviour with mechanical connectors.  Student thesis (Degree project). Stockholm, KTH.
  • Ringaby, J. (2022). Moment-resisting connections for glulam using birch plywood: An experimental study on both mechanical and adhesive connections.   Student thesis (Degree project). Stockholm, KTH.
  • Wang, T. (2022). On the in-plane mechanical properties of birch plywood. Licentiate Thesis. Stockholm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Wang, Y., Wang, T., Crocetti, R., Schweigler, M., Wålinder, M. (2023). Embedment behavior of dowel-type fasteners in birch plywood: Influence of load-to-face grain angle, test set-up, fastener diameter, and acetylation. Construction and Building Materials.
  • Wang, T., Wang, Y., Crocetti, R., Wålinder, M., Bredesen, R., Blomqvist, L. (2023). Adhesively bonded joints between spruce glulam and birch plywood for structural applications: experimental studies by using different adhesives and pressing methods. Wood Material Science & Engineering.
  • Wang, Y. (2023). In-plane mechanical properties of acetylated birch plywood and its response to humidity elevation.  Licentiate Thesis. Stockholm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Wang, T., Wang, Y., Crocetti, R., Wålinder, M., Persson, P., Hedlund, P. (2023). Glulam frames adhesively bonded by means of birch plywood plates: preliminary investigations. Proceedings of the 2023 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE).
  • Wang, T., Wang, Y., Crocetti, R., Wålinder, M., Bredesen, R., Blomqvist, L. (2023). Adhesively bonded joints between spruce glulam and birch plywood for structural applications: experimental studies by using different adhesives and pressing methods. Wood Material Science & Engineering, 18:3, 1141-1150,
  • Wang, Y., Wang, T., Debertolis, M., Wålinder, M., Blomqvist, L., Crocetti, R. (2023). Innovativa förband med björkplywood. Bygg & teknik 4/23.
  • Wang, Y., Wang, T., Crocetti, R., Schweigler, M., Wålinder, M. (2023). Embedment behavior of dowel-type fasteners in birch plywood: Influence of load-to-face grain angle, test set-up, fastener diameter, and acetylation. Construction and Building Materials 384 (2023) 131440.
  • Wang, Y., Wang, T., Ringaby, J., Crocetti, R., Debertolis, M., Wålinder, M. (2023). Testing and analysis of screw-connected moment joints consisting of glued-laminated timbers and birch plywood plates. Engineering Structures, 290:116356.
  • Wang, Y., Wang, T., Crocetti, R., Wålinder, M. (2023). Effect of moisture on the edgewise flexural properties of acetylated and unmodified birch plywood: a comparison of strength, stiffness and brittleness properties. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products.
  • Wang, T., Wang, Y., Ringaby, J., Crocetti, R., Wålinder, M., Blomqvist, L. (2024). Glulam beams adhesively bonded by birch plywood plates in moment-resisting beam-to-beam connections. Engineering Structures, 302:117471.


Project name




RISE role in project

Coordinator, participant and project manager

Project start


3 år

Total budget

6 546 714 SEK


Moelven Töreboda AB, Moelven Limtre AS, Rubner Holzbau S.R.L. , Koskisen OY , Säffle Verkstadsbolag AB , KTH, Institute of BioEconomy (IBE.Cnr), Dynea AS , Innovatum


Produktion2030, VINNOVA, Energimyndigheten, FORMAS


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
Marie Johansson

Contact person

Marie Johansson


+46 10 516 62 51

Read more about Marie

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