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Real estate related, integrated mobility at district level: Gamlestaden
The project develops opportunities in upscaling existing mobility solutions for customers of property owners. The goal is to create concepts where several types of real estate actors can collaborate on mobility solutions on a city level. Such a solution can then be quickly disseminated nationally and thus generate significant societal effects thro
The purpose of the project is to investigate challenges around, and continue existing development of, existing solutions for mobility service sharing contributing to climate-neutral and healthy travel habits. Previous mobility services and solutions for customers of property owners have been developed for individual property actors. In order for such solutions to generate significant societal effects, they must be adapted to enable scaling. Such upscaling must take into account a number of contradictions that are built into existing systems and regulations. Three important contradictions are found between conditions in:
- Large and small real estate players
- Private and non-profit property owners
- Existing real estate and new constructions
Developing solutions meeting such challenges is best done in an environment where these challenges are represented by actors with long and well-developed collaboration. In the Gothenburg district Gamlestaden there is a very successful and several decades long collaboration through the Business Improvement District (BID) Gamlestaden. Here, the different types of conditions that RISE believe need to be taken into account in order to develop successful, scalable and distributed solutions that are necessary to create real change are represented.
Project name
Mobility in Gamlestan
RISE role in project
Project management, research, coordination
Project start
Half a year
Total budget
Vinnova: Sustainable mobility system
Project members
Supports the UN sustainability goals