Solutions for intelligent distribution grids
We are in the energy transition phase, where increasing amounts of renewable energy sources, heat-pumps and electrical cars are being connected to the distribution systems. This results in a number of challenges for distribution system operators.
To meet those challenges and keep a secure and efficient grid, the distribution systems need to become more intelligent with advanced monitoring and control technologies. UNITED-GRID has developed a tool-box that could be “plugged in” to the existing Distribution Management System via a cross-platform.
UNITED-GRID has developed and demonstrated:
A communication and measurement platform for real-time monitoring and grid resilience against cyber-attacks
A control tool-box to cope with uncertainty from renewable energy sources
Data analytic techniques to optimise grid’s utilisation
UNITED-GRID has validated the developed solutions in real systems and real-life environment at three demosites in France, Netherlands and Sweden. The solutions was shown to Distribution System Operators, DSOs, and demonstrated opportunities for innovations and new business models.
In UNITED-GRID, RISE has led the work on policy and regulations, where we looked into potential regulatory barriers for the implementation of smart grid solutions, from a European perspective. RISE also contributed to the development of new business models for DSOs, who are facing new challenges in the next 5 to 10 years, and will have to adapt to new roles and responsibilities. RISE also contributed to the investigation and development of price models and tariff structures for the management of peak demand in distribution systems.
Project name
RISE role in project
Project start
April 2021
Total budget
4 Million Euro
Project website
Project members
Behrooz Sangchoolie Ted Strandberg Peter Folkesson Claes Sandels Anders Thorsén
Supports the UN sustainability goals