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Photo: Amelie Mourichon

Transformative business models for collaborative system transformation

The aim of the project is to explore and develop future collaborative business models that accelerate and support societal transformation. The project complements established research by developing traditional business model concepts with additional functions for transformation and multi-actor collaboration.

The project 'Transformative Business Models for Collaborative System Transformation' is a feasibility study aimed at developing collaborative business models that can facilitate transformation by enabling multi-actor collaboration and adaptation to change.

Despite significant investments and efforts in climate adaptation, twin transition and digitalisation
at EU, national and local level, we are not achieving the desired results and impacts. Difficulties in mobilising actors and clustering are key challenges. An integrated and targeted transformative innovation policy is needed to address societal challenges, where incentives, governance and capacity need to be aligned. Incentives, including business models and procurement processes, are an underdeveloped area.

The project will: 

  • Develop the concept and mock-up of collaborative business models that facilitate collaboration and partnership between the public sector and the business community.
  • Test the concept of collaborative business models in real cases with real users (together with the City of Gothenburg and Sensative)
  • Mobilise relevant stakeholders for the next step

Project's novelty and value

Traditional business models focus on just one company and are difficult to adapt in partnerships between the public sector and the business community. We aim to develop transformative business models for collaboration that require a link to success factors that benefit all parties involved. Examples of success factors are:

  • Form of collaboration
  • Collaboration strategy
  • Trust
  • Respect for each party's unique circumstances
  • Orchestration
  • Adaptation

Expected effects

  • Implementation in the work of the City of Gothenburg (including cooperation models for parking, changes in the procurement process, also application of the results in the City's SULP work).
  • Business development of business actors. Sensative can incorporate parts of the results into its business model and disseminate the lessons learned to other cities and regions, such as Stockholm and Västra Götaland.
  • Research and development of collaborative business models that facilitate collaboration and can be further applied in other programmes and initiatives (e.g. Water Wise Societies, Impact Innovation, Urban Twin Transition Center, etc.).
  • National and broad application of the project's lessons learned in collaboration and digital tools relevant to Swedish municipalities and businesses, especially in urban logistics, urban planning, eHealth, smart cities, etc.).


Project name

Transformative business models




Region Stockholm, Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project


Project start


1 year

Total budget

1 000 kkr


Sensative, Goteborg Stad




Project members

Contact person

Tatjana Apanasevic


+46 76 108 23 87

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Contact person

Anna Fjällström


+46 10 228 46 49

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