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Value chains within the FINEST Centre

The FINEST platform builds on the Formas-funded FINEST centre (2020-2024), which focused on three value chains: Swedish forest berries, protein-rich legumes, and experimental food production.

Swedish forest berries

One of the aims of the FINEST centre is to contribute to the development of the berry industry in northern Sweden and to ensure that Swedish berries are used more than they are today in healthy and tasty foods.

Sweden is one of the largest producers of wild berries in Europe and the total organic production in Sweden is estimated at more than 550,000 tonnes, mainly blueberries, lingonberries, crowberries and cloudberries. However, only about 2-5 per cent of Swedish production is used and there is great potential for the Swedish berry industry to develop.

The aim has been to put Sweden at the forefront by promoting and supporting the development of the Swedish wild berry industry and Swedish products, based on a high scientific standard, comparable to countries such as China, Japan and Finland.

The development of a wild berry value chain will create new employment opportunities in Sweden and position Sweden as one of the world's leading suppliers of innovative wild berry products.

Protein-rich legumes

Within the FINEST centre, we have worked to increase the production of Swedish pulses, which can complement traditional animal products and dairy and meat substitutes with proteins from Swedish pulses.

Increased consumer awareness of the benefits of a plant-based diet has led to a high demand for alternatives to meat and dairy products. There are now a number of alternative products on the market for those who want to eat more plant-based foods. Winning consumer favour requires both improvements in production and the development of new products.

Research is needed to improve and develop sustainable processes and attractive products from Swedish pulses. Within FINEST, we have worked on designing and studying plant-based products with adequate nutritional quality and high palatability by optimising texture and taste and also removing unwanted nutrients.

The aim has been to develop new value chain innovations based on Swedish pulses. Such value chains will support the development of a greater diversity of agricultural products and increase protein self-sufficiency in Sweden.

Experimental food production

FINEST Centre researchers have been working with the food industry to develop new food concepts to reduce dependence on arable land. The research projects involved should have the potential to contribute to the resilience of food and feed supplies in a changing climate, without compromising environmental sustainability goals.

Within FINEST, we have assessed how a potential food chain could be designed, as well as the environmental benefits, health aspects, consumer acceptance and regulations surrounding this type of food. The aim was to increase understanding of how experimental food production in general could contribute to a more sustainable food supply.


Project name

Value chains within the FINEST Centre



RISE role in project


Project start


4 years

Project website

Supports the UN sustainability goals

8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
Karin Östergren

Contact person

Karin Östergren

Senior Forskare

+46 70 420 56 19

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