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Visualization of cleaning effects in health care and food production

Reducing infections will give socioeconomic benefits. Cleaning is often done manually making it difficult to determine if it is enough. Standards to measure cleanliness is lacking. We develop an analytical method to provide a picture of the microbiological content on a surface after cleaning.

Aim and goal

The project's goal is to develop a measurement method for studying dirt and microflora on surfaces to visualize the effects of cleaning methods and routines. The measurement method is intended to provide quick feedback to the user of the cleaning products and increase the motivation to clean efficiently. In addition, routines for the cleaning and effects of implementing some interventions are mapped into two case studies in hospitals and food production.


There are major socio-economic benefits to reduce the spread of pathogenic viruses and microorganisms in homes, public environments, health care and food production. Here cleansing is crucial to prevent infection spread.

A large part of the cleaning is manual work, and it is often difficult for the person to decide whether the cleaning is enough. In addition, often there are no standards for measuring what is clean enough.


A good method for measuring the purity and presence of microorganisms, which provides quick feedback on the cleaning efficiency of the operator, would provide more efficient cleaning. In addition to this, the possibility of evaluating the types of microorganisms present on the surface and how they vary over time would be valuable to, for example, be able to see if a change in routines affects the levels and types of microorganisms., and thereby reduce infection spread.

In the project, flow cytometry (FC) is evaluated as a quick analysis method to get an overview of the composition and levels of microflora on surfaces. The method is used today for routine analysis of drinking water production and promising studies also show that the analysis can be automated, and the equipment miniaturized to be used directly by cleaning staff or operator.


Measuring cleaning efficiency faster and more efficiently, as well as an opportunity to evaluate the types of microorganisms present on surfaces in the patient room is an important part of patient safety work. In the food industry, this information allows for increased food safety and improved hygiene, resulting in less recalls and food waste.


Project name

Analysis method to visualize cleanliness



RISE role in project

Project manager

Project start




Bo Rydins foundation for scientific research


Project members


Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Charlotta Löfström

Contact person

Charlotta Löfström


+46 10 516 67 30

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