Charlotta Löfström

Charlotta works as a research scientist in microbiology and hygiene with special emphasis on food microbiology and food safety. Projects include e.g. food and water safety, microbiological analysis methods, tracing of contaminants, antimicrobial resistance, biofilm, cleaning and risk assessment of food products and processes regarding both spoilage microflora and pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
For a summary of scientific merits, see:
Salmonella, Legionella, Listeria, water, food, risk assessment, qPCR, swquancing, DNA, outbreak investigation, aerosol, validation, covid-19, antibiotic resistance, AMR, bioinformatics, spread of infections, flow cytometry, food poisoning
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- BioCon - A model for pathogens and biofilm in drinking water distribution syste…
- Ta vara på odlingens sidoströmmar – exemplet broccoli
- Potential sources of contamination on textiles and hard surfaces identified as …
- Genetic polymorphism and antimicrobial resistance of salmonella enterica serova…
- Stable IgG-antibody levels in patients with mild SARS-CoV-2 infection
- Utveckling av näringsladdad broccolisoppa
- Genetic polymorphism and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonellaenterica serovar…
- Bevattningsvatten : kunskapsunderlag
- Cross-Border Transmission of Salmonella Choleraesuis var. Kunzendorf in Europea…
- Use of multiple-locusvariable-numberof tandem repeatsanalysis (MLVA) to investi…