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Meal as a vehicle
Photo: Hayley Ho

Welcome to the Table

The prototype functions as a pop-up exhibition. It is designed as a four-course dinner around a large table. The experiences at the table take participants on a journey where they get to create a relationship with their future older selves. They also get to speculate about how they can change the meal situations of older people here and now.

Whatever age we are now, all of us are getting older. In the future, the proportion of older people will increase. Unless the system is fundamentally changed, society’s costs for elderly care will increase drastically.  

The project outcome, the speculative dining prototype works as a pop-up display. It is designed as a 4-course dinner at a large table. The experiences at the table take participants on a journey where they get to create a relationship with their future older self. 

The purpose of the project is to help envision a future where no elderly person is undernourished and wherethe whole meal experience is a satisfying and positive experience. The work of “We are all Old” is relevant to PUSH:s mission of a food system that is promoting healthy lives for all. 


Project name

Welcome to the Table



RISE role in project

koordinator, projektledare, projektdeltagare

Project start


ett år

Total budget

699523 sek





Project members


Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
Maria Biörklund Helgesson

Contact person

Maria Biörklund Helgesson


+46 10 516 60 78

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Hayley Ho

Contact person

Hayley Ho


+46 70 357 89 93

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